Monday, April 9, 2018

How to install Grid infrastructure bundle PSU patch manually

1. Perform all the presteps for patching in the below document:


2. Perform the patching work Manually: You are running the below steps of patching on one node at a time. If RAC. 
1. Login as user Oracle: Set the environement. Make sure statusfileday.log file is generated by below command.
srvctl stop home -o /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1 -s /tmp/statusfileday.log -n
Below is an example of how the  cat that log  would look like.
db-databasenamelowerletter (if it does not gets populated you can vi that manullay to make it look like below)
$ cat statusfiledat.log
2. Login as root now Root

cd /u01/app/

run below script.
./ -unlock
3. Now login as Grid and apply the 3 GI patches.


opatch napply -oh /u01/app/ -local /gg_nas1/software/oracle/patches/1H2018/26030799/25869727  ==>>DB PSU

opatch napply -oh /u01/app/ -local /gg_nas1/software/oracle/patches/1H2018/26030799/22502505 ==>> ACFS GI

opatch napply -oh /u01/app/ -local /gg_nas1/software/oracle/patches/1H2018/26030799/25920335 ==>> OCW

4. Now login as oracle.
cd /gg_nas1/software/oracle/patches/1H2018/26030799/25920335/custom/server/25920335/custom/scripts/

./ -dbhome /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1

5. Now login as Oracle and apply the 2 DB patches.


opatch napply -oh /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2  -local /gg_nas1/software/oracle/patches/1H2018/26030799/25920335/custom/server/25920335

opatch apply -oh /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2  -local /gg_nas1/software/oracle/patches/1H2018/26030799/25869727
6. As user oracle
cd /gg_nas1/software/oracle/patches/1H2018/26030799/25920335/custom/server/25920335/custom/scripts

./ -dbhome /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2
7. Now login as Root run the below scripts.
cd /u01/app/

cd /u01/app/
./ -patch
8. Now login as oracle and start home.  This is where we use that statusfileday.log file we created. So after this step you should be able to see that all the database came up and are running just ps -ef | grep pmon. If they do not vi  /tmp/statusfileday.log and make it look like the example in step 1 and start home again. The database will come up. sometimes db-names are not captured in the lop. At this time perform the post patching steps and verification that patch got applied..
srvctl start home -o /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1 -s /tmp/statusfileday.log -n

3. Perform the post patching work:

1. post-psu-patching-steps.html

That is it. you are done with patching for the server. Good job. 

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